Wednesday 21 March 2012


Who is Aircraft engineer??  What they do?? many people don't know about a career as a Aircraft Engineer. I'll explain about it.

So, I'm a trainee aircraft engineer at private aviation training center around Selangor. The reason why I'm post this because I feel that they are lack of knowledge of us about an Aircraft Engineer. When we are look back about the airport, aircraft and flying world, what we seen there were smart-looking pilot walking around the airport, beautiful stewardess, ground crew and security guard BUT we never seen Aircraft engineer around the departure or arrival hall.

 Actually, we are under your aircraft, making sure that your aircraft is SAFE and you are  comfortable with your flight to pursue your journey to see your love one, pursue your studies aboard and we are prepared to sign a multi-million contract. Your life in our hands, but don't worry. enjoy the flight while we do our job...  :)


Like the all aviation crew, we have our own uniform. White short sleeve with pocket 2 pocket in front, black trousers and black safety shoes. For better understanding just imagine a pilot, we are just same as a pilot uniform but without tie, coat and cap. Also we have a bar like pilot (gold bar) but separated with purple between the bar.

Aircraft Engineer official uniform


Basically, our job is to certify the aircraft for the fitness for flight. That mean before passenger aboard and before pilot get into the cockpit, the aircraft engineer has signed the paper which certifying that this aircraft IS SAFE TO FLY..!!!

beside sign the aircraft to fly, maintenance works also falls under us. Let say, the aircraft have a fault. The engineer will identify the faulty then mechanic or technician under him will fix the faulty and engineer will inspect again and certify then sign the paper (SAFE TO FLY). Although an engineer doesn't need to get his hands dirty and oily with grease or stuff, he has to know how to fix in HIS BRAIN. So an aircraft engineer is like WALKING AIRCRAFT DICTIONARY, being able to explain the causes and the way to overcome the problem.

Other than that, REFUELING is also under aircraft engineer. Act, it is not simply as u think like refueling your car.In aircraft, engineer has to make sure the aircraft is grounded, the truck hose is grounded then truck must grounded itself. It because to neutralize the electrostatis charge on these different bodies which can cause a SPARK and KEBABOMMM!
Very dangerous right...??? but don't worry we area Aircraft engineer and we follow the strict procedure and we know our jobs as well. :) 

Aircraft Engineer license 

Aircraft Engineer official shoes - DR MARTEN
This shoes for aircraft engineer. Dr.marten shoes is become common to aircraft engineer due to it oil, fat, acid and alkali resistance. Then it also bouncing sole is really make it very comfortable to wear.  But, i don't have it yet.. huhu

Made in thailand.. haha i thought from UK.. Actually,that is my friend's shoes.